12-Year-Old Kid ‘Admitted’ into Nigerian University from JSS1, School Says She Will Study as ‘Auditor’
A JSS1 kid, Miss Jessica Okonye has been granted ‘admission’ as an auditor student into the Admiralty University of Nigeria, Ibusa, Delta state.
Miss Okonye’s admission came after she was discovered to be exceptionally brilliant by Professor (Chief) John Alizor, a retired American university professor.
She was said to have startled the retired Professor at a shop where she served as an intern. The man promptly took interest in her and started mentoring her.
This culminated in the professor giving her academic assignments and then the eventual ‘auditorship admission.’ Before she was offered admission, she interacted with the leadership of the university who were said to find her academic abilities to be very satisfactory.
If Jessica passes this stage and eventually gets full admission, she will be the first Nigerian to be admitted at that age into a Nigerian university.