NANS KWARA 2022: Safe Information And Human Relation

Dear Nigerian Students studying here in the State of Harmony, it is with happiness and wellness that I officially declare my intent to run for the position of Public Relation Officer of our great association, National Association of Nigeria Students (NANS), kwara State axis. I am Ahmed Funsho Hadnan, a student of Mass Communication in the University for community development and entrepreneurship, (KWASU).
In Robin Morgan words, I agree that Knowledge is power and Information is also power. In this, I also believe that Keeping knowledge or information as clandestine may be an act of tyranny camouflaged as humility. This is not what the association want.
The position of Public Relations Officer is more than just the dissemination of information. It is more of connecting the association with the students by filling all gaps, paramountly communication though. This is why we need someone that can build a strong relationship with the students, stakeholders and community. Considering this points are why my agenda keeps radiating on the discharge of “Safe Information through positive Human Relation” because I believe in Information and Human Relation.
With your supports, we can continue to keep the tempo of this great association high by giving a platform where every Kwara students will be able to access the leadership of the association. Communication is life and that is why we live to communicate.
It is high time we gave room for “Safe Information while maintaining effective and positive Human Relation”. Thank you
Ahmed Funsho Hadnan is the name aspiring for Public Relation Officer of NANS Kwara Axis.