, UN urges Nigeria and other developing nations to intensify fight against epidemics -

UN urges Nigeria and other developing nations to intensify fight against epidemics


Nigeria has been encouraged to increase efforts to make sure that the world is prepared to face future health concerns by UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

In his statement on Tuesday, Mr. Guterres called for the celebration of the annual International Day of Epidemic Preparedness, which is held on December 27 to raise awareness of epidemics.

The UN chief recalled that the COVID-19 virus was originally discovered three years prior and noted the catastrophic costs.

He noted that millions of people had died and hundreds of millions had been ill since the pandemic hit.

And trillions of dollars have been lost, along with the destruction of economies and strain on health systems. Additionally, Mr. Guterres said that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) progress has been “thrown off track”.

Developing nations were frequently left to fend for themselves and shamelessly denied the immunizations, testing, or treatments they required to safeguard their citizens, the UN chief continued.

He believes that COVID-19 will not be the final pandemic or epidemic to affect humanity.

The severe lessons of COVID-19 must be remembered by the entire world, he said, and bold investments must be made in pandemic preparedness, prevention, and response.

Better monitoring “to detect and monitor viruses with epidemic potential,” robust health systems supported by universal health coverage, and a “well-trained, well-equipped and well-paid” health workforces were all stressed as being essential by Mr. Guterres.

For all nations, Mr. Guterres continued, “We also need equitable access to vaccines, treatments, diagnostics, and life-saving technology.”

Noting that a pandemic cannot be fought nation by country, he emphasized the necessity to “combat the scourge” of false information and pseudoscience with “science and fact-based knowledge.”

The entire globe must unite. COVID-19 served as a wake-up call, according to the UN secretary-general.


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